

University Holidays/Winter Break Days

Holiday Memo (2025-26)

Utica University recognizes certain days during the year as paid holidays so that employees may maintain a proper balance between work, family, and recreation. In addition to the following list of holidays and winter break days, staff employees may enjoy 22.5 hours of Floating Holiday time during the 2025-2026 academic year.

The 22.5 hours of Floating Holiday time should be arranged upon mutual agreement between each employee and their supervisor. New employees hired after November 30th will be eligible for 15 hours of Floating Holiday time. In addition, new employees serving their 90-day orientation period are not eligible to use Floating Holidays or vacation days during that time frame.

In recognition of the fact that overall University operations are significantly slower during the days surrounding the Christmas holiday, and because, as a result, Utica University can typically operate with fewer staff members during this time, I have once again designated a period of time as “Winter Break”, during which only essential personnel will be required to work.

Please note the following:
  • The timing and duration of the Winter Break will vary from year to year, and will depend on when during the week the Christmas holiday falls.
  • All future Winter Break schedules will be communicated when holiday schedules are released.
  • For 2025-2026, December 24th and December 25th will be considered University holidays. December 22nd, 23rd, and 26th will be considered Winter Break Days. January 1, 2026, will be considered a University Holiday. Please see the chart on page 2 of the holiday memo for more information about designated days off for 2025-2026.
  • Please remember weeks that contain holidays do not qualify for FlexWork schedules (that is, the holiday is the flex day for all employees). For weeks that contain holidays, exempt employees must enter 7.5 hours for each holiday. Non-exempt employees should record 7.5 hours for each day of a holiday week. Remember that work weeks need to total 37.5 hours.
  • In future years there may be fewer Winter Break days, or no Winter Break days, because of the changing needs of the University.
  • Supervisors will have both the responsibility and the authority to determine which staff members will be required to work during the Winter Break. Winter Break will not constitute a University “shutdown”, as some operations will be required to ensure continuity of services. The days covered by the Winter Break are not additional holidays, vacation days, or floating holidays and as such are not subject to any type of additional pay. These days are considered a paid University break, and employees who are required to work on these days will be paid at their normal rate of pay with an opportunity to take the additional days at another time, but sometime before May 31, 2026. The days are not eligible for carryover into the new fiscal year.
  • Winter Break eligibility applies to all full-time and part-time staff. Temporary employees are not eligible for this additional day. However, if they are required to work, they will be paid at their normal rate of pay.
  • Winter Break days are not eligible for a payout if a person leaves employment without having used the days.

As always, please talk with your supervisor if you have any questions about your work obligations, if any, during the designated Winter Break period. In addition, you may contact the Office of Human Resources at (315) 792-3276 with any general questions relating to this memo. I hope you find this break period useful as you plan your time away from work for this coming year, regardless of when you are able to take the days.

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Office of Human Resources

Office of Human Resources

124 White Hall
(315) 792-3276

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